(last update: 2022 / 04 / 02)
I am currently looking for post-doc positions

Research Interests

mathematical modeling, machine learning / artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction, mixed-initiative creative interfaces, tools for video game creation


  • Ko, J., Mousavi, R., & Lobo, D. (2021). Computational Systems Biology of Morphogenesis. In S. Cortassa & M. A. Aon (Eds.), Computational Systems Biology in Medicine and Biotechnology (pp. 343–365). Springer.
  • Ko, J. M., & Lobo, D. (2019). Continuous Dynamic Modeling of Regulated Cell Adhesion: Sorting, Intercalation, and Involution. Biophysical Journal, 2166–2179. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bpj.2019.10.032

Programming Projects

  • RubyOF

    Polyglot creative coding framework using C++ and Ruby, built on top of OpenFrameworks. Within a single project you can flip between live coding in Ruby for sketching ideas and writing C++ for high-performance tasks.

  • (untitled game engine)

    Game engine built using RubyOF, tightly integrated with Blender. While the game is running, use Blender’s timeline controls to pause or even rewind execution, thanks to time traveling debugging. Edit the position or even geometry of entities from Blender, and see in-engine changes from Blender’s viewport, all in real time. No need to wait for assets to export.